Kilchoman Single Cask 327/2007 for La Maison du Whisky
Cask No.: 327/2007
Cask type: 1st Fill Ex-Bourbon Barrel
Date Filled: 3.10.2007
Date Bottled: 23.3.2011
Age: 3 yo
Strength: 61,8 % abv
Phenol level: 50 ppm
Bottle volume: 0,7 l
Market: France
This bottling of a good 3-year-old bourbon barrel, released in early 2011, was already the fourth Kilchoman single cask bottling for France. The French Kilchoman importer La Maison du Whisky, which had also released the very first single cask bottling of a Kilchoman whisky in 2009, brought out three more in 2011 alone. These figures also show that France has been one of the most important Kilchoman markets from the beginning and has remained so until today.