Kilchoman 10 yo Single Bourbon Cask 187/2012 for Whisky Mentors QS01 Lemon Custard Pie
Cask No.: 187/2012
Cask type: Ex-Bourbon Barrel
Date Filled: 12.4.2012
Date Bottled: 14.6.2022
Age: 10 yo
Strength: 53,7 % abv
Phenol level: 50 ppm
Bottle volume: 0,75 l
Number of bottles: 210
Market: USA
Irene Tan is the owner of Canterbury Liquors, Connecticut. Very active on social media, she is known as a whisky expert. Under the name Whisky Mentors Pick, she has already released numerous single cask bottlings for her shop. In December 2022, her first Kilchoman release appeared with the 10 year old bourbon barrel listed here.